Start date: March 17
40 F Hagersville (45 min from Hamilton)
Used to be fatter at 325 lbs. I lost some weight and now look like cellulose
baggy skin which sucks.
I'm also alot older now at 40.
What I am doing is wanting to take pics for my adult photo gallery on a
website I am working on.
Looking to take pics of males that are interested in participating in my
endevour creating content.
No discounts for photo subjects. -ideal for those who enjoy being photographed.
Regular service applies.
Handy man special $25
New* Added menu items; $25
Early morning/evening cuddling buddy only (no makeup, no lashes, no fake hair)
pjs only.
-no braids currently just medium straight hair atm
-hairy not shaved
I live in a trailer park. No public washroom.
I see: Men only
Name: Hope
Location: Hagersville/Rez